What is print media?
Print media is a collection of newspapers or magazines and inside of these there are 2 types of labor divisions. The first one is reporters who are the ones who write the newspapers, their main role is to research into interesting or crucial news for the public to read about. The second division of labor will be editors, these people are the ones who assign people their work, edit stories content and decide what to story to print.
Advantages of Print media.
Print media is a good way to provide people with information which is good because people would actual consider buying newspapers and magazines since they provide them information they might be seeking, for example they can allow to know how the whether will be today or a magazine would tell you about you favorite artist merchandise. Another advantage of print media is that can be aimed at many different types of target audiences since they come in different styles. for example their are different types of newspaper aim at different group of people with different reading capabilities. this is because newspaper and magazines use different styles of writing to attract different customer which good since their is a variety of them.
Disadvantages of Print Media

On other hand, Print media might be consider subjective since it only show one side of the argument or story. For example, the newspaper companies decide they way the person is present, whether the person is innocent or guilty the media decides how the present. This a negative thing about the media since it means they could be bias and not reliable sometimes. Another, disadvantage is that they are not a very popular method of entertainment anymore, this is because people are better off watching Television shows instead of reading since people enjoy visual content that doesnt rely on effort as much.