Create your own user feedback survey
It is important to gather primary research because it is good way to the target audience’s opinion on what and how the product should function. This means I could use primary research to help me construct my magazine, so it could satisfy my target audience. Furthermore, the feedback from gather primary research is reliable meaning I could trust my research and use it to my advantage. An advantage of a questionnaire is that it is simple to analyze meaning I can easily understand the data I collected. Another advantage is that I could get the opinion of large groups of people easily meaning I could get a response on my magazine without have to actually release it first. However, I can only get the response of people who are interested in my magazine instead of both people or are interested or not. This is bad because I would get know how to improve my magazine to appeal to a larger audience. In addition, some people might chose to ignore some of the questions this is bad for my magazine since some of my important questions might not get response to help me. In my research i asked young adult between the ages 16 to 26 do my survey because my magazine appeal to these ages since they are a majority of the hip-hop audience. This research has been beneficial to me because it allowed me to see the target audiences perspectives and preferences of my hip-hop, which will be useful to me when creating my magazine since it will allow me to decide what feature to add on to my magazine.

me because it allows decide that type of audience I need to attract. This question suggested I should aim to attract the age group that are entering the adult life stage or are in the early adult stage.

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